Chanchal Singha Roy, Diglipur, Andamans
The family of late Samir Acharya is proud to announce The 2022 Samir Acharya Memorial Award for the Conservation of Coastal and Island Ecosystems to Shri. Chanchal Singha Roy for his dedication and passion towards spreading awareness and conservation to the natural heritage of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Shri. Singha Roy is a national award winning teacher at the GSSS Kadamtala, Middle Andamans, and a recipient of the 2018 Wipro Earthian National Award. For over two decades now, Mr. Singha Roy has been guiding and inspiring students on nature conservation and helping young minds in the community build strong relationships with nature for sustainable living. He is also the founder of Coastal Green Zone, a voluntary outreach initiative working with children and coastal communities in Andamans.
Mr. Singha Roy has published a number of books on the conservation of endangered coastal species and building awareness among young minds to connect themselves better with nature. His book "My friend Dugong" on the awareness of the extinction of Dugong, the national animal of the Andamans, is now available as an audiobook on Spotify.
For years, Mr. Singha Roy has spent weekends taking groups of students to nature trails, mangrove forests, and beaches, offering hands-on environmental education. Many of these children would not otherwise learn about the importance of the area’s rich and unique natural resources.
Mr. Singha Roy spent five and a half years in Neil Island understanding the struggles of the communities, the strong cultural relations among the fishing communities and building a strong relationship with the students of these islands as an unconventional teacher who goes beyond bookish knowledge.